Frequently Asked Questions

What mode of payment is accepted? Can I pay cash upon delivery of the clothing?

We accept many mainstream modes of payment, such as PayNow/PayLah, Mastercard, Visa, American Express, PayPal, Google Pay, and Apple Pay. Payment options will be shown once you click “Purchase” for a product. However, we currently do not accept cash upon delivery. 

How long does it take for an order to be delivered?

We will take about 3 working days to process your order after payment has been made.

Courier/Mail delivery will also take around 3-5 working days. If you have opted for self-collection, you will be notified through your email/mobile number when your order is ready. 

Can I cancel or edit an order after placing it?

Unfortunately, no edits and cancellations can be made after placing an order.

Can I refund the clothing after the transaction?

No, there are currently no refund policies for the clothing after it is sold.

What do I do in the case of a missing order?

Please contact us at +65 8898 1196 or email us at with a screenshot of your order number and the name of the missing item. We will resolve it as quickly as possible, within the next 1-2 working days.

Do I get a refund if the price of a product changes after the completion of a purchase?

No, we will not provide any form of refund for a product’s price that has been changed after the purchase has been made. 

What should I do before I drop off my clothes? 

Kindly WhatsApp or Telegram us at +65 8898 1196 or email us at and we will give you an order number.

At the same time, ensure that the clothes you intend to drop off are clean, gently used (no defects, holes, or tears), and in generally good condition. Pack these clothes into a bag, and check that there are no personal belongings in the pockets and ensure that all items are suitable for resale. Write the order number on the bag of clothes that you intend to drop off.

How can I drop off my clothes?

Locate a designated drop-off point near you. More information can be found on our website. Proceed to pack your clothes in a bag or a box and bring them to the drop-off location at your convenience.

Where do I drop off my clothes?

Currently, we have 2 designated drop-off points, at Ubi and Geylang Bahru. You can find out where to drop them off here

What brand does Revint accept?

We accept a wide range of brands, from popular brands such as Uniqlo and Zara to higher-end brands such as Ralph Lauren and Charles & Keith. You can click here to view the preferred brands to drop off.

Do I get paid for dropping off my clothes?

Yes! You get paid a percentage of the sales price when your clothes are sold through Revint’s platforms. The percentage will vary depending on the condition and brand of the clothes.

What happens after I drop off my clothes?

You will be notified through email/mobile number about the successful drop-off of clothes.

How will I get paid?

Once your clothes have been sold through our platforms, you will be paid through your preferred choice of payment such as bank transfer, Paynow, or PayLah.

What happens to clothes that aren't sold?

For clothes that are not sold within 6 months after we've received them, you will be notified that your clothes are not sold. You can opt to collect your clothes at the original drop-off point, or, with your consent, we will donate the clothes to charity. 

Can I track the sale of my clothes?

Currently, you are not able to track the sales of the clothes but developments to do so are currently in progress. 

Couldn't find your answers?

We're here to help. If you couldn't find the information you were looking for, please reach out to us directly.